Learner drivers can take a driving lesson on our motorways from 4 June 2018, however, they must be supervised by an approved driving instructor (ADI) in a car with dual controls. The motorway lessons will not be compulsory and it…
If you drive on the M25, M1 or M6, the Highways Agency has you in its speed camera sights. It is proposing ‘stealth cameras’ – ones that are grey rather than bright yellow – to enforce the 70mph limit. Until…
The government has proposed dropping the speed limit from 70mph to 60mph on a 32-mile section of the M1 running through South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, and is considering it for other sections of motorway around the country. European Union restrictions…
Motorways have a high average travelling speed outside of obvious traffic jams and roadworks. The big advantage to safety on a motorway is that all traffic is travelling in the same direction. However, there are factors that make motorway driving…