Right Driver

Lorry braking distances

Despite having many more tyres in contact with the road, the additional weight of an HGV means that stopping distances (including reaction time) can be 50% further than a car in similar conditions. On a dry road, a car will

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Where is fast driving allowed?

If you want to drive your car or ride your motorbike fast, you can’t do it on the road. There are plenty of places you can get your speed fix, though. Racetrack track days Our local track, Cadwell Park, has

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How do you calculate speed vs distance vs time?

Sometimes you’ll need to estimate how long it will take to get somewhere. Maybe you’re planning a journey, maybe you’ve got a maths test. There are quick ways to calculate speed and time. First, you’ll need to know how to

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Driving safely on motorways

Motorways have a high average travelling speed outside of obvious traffic jams and roadworks. The big advantage to safety on a motorway is that all traffic is travelling in the same direction. However, there are factors that make motorway driving

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle