Right Driver

What lanes can motorbikes use?

Motorbikes can make better progress through traffic by using lanes that other vehicles can’t access. Here are the lanes motorcycle riders can use, and when. Bus lanes While many roading authorities know that motorbikes ease congestion there’s no blanket rule

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

Highway Code Enhanced: Complete Guide to Motorbike Lane Position

tanker followed by a motorbike

Choosing the best lane position is often a compromise between the best visibility through a corner, the best visibility of your bike by other traffic, a line that avoids slippery areas such as manhole covers and deep water, and a line

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

Driving safely on motorways

Motorways have a high average travelling speed outside of obvious traffic jams and roadworks. The big advantage to safety on a motorway is that all traffic is travelling in the same direction. However, there are factors that make motorway driving

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle