Right Driver

Public support for 20mph limits. Is Brake’s research flawed?

Brake and Allianz recently conducted a poorly worded survey that erroneously indicates there is strong public support for 20mph limits. Brake already is pushing for a 20mph speed limit as the default on urban roads via its GO 20 campaign.

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Edinburgh imposing 20mph speed limits by 2017; air pollution may worsen

Most of Edinburgh’s city streets could see a 20mph speed limit implemented as early as 2017 if councillors on the Transport Committee in Edinburgh get their way. They are backing a consultation, but have been very quiet on the potential

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Got a 20mph limit that’s sprung up near you?

The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has clarified the position of the police force regarding enforcement of 20mph speed limits, and it’s not going to be good for your wallet. Many local authorities are implementing blanket 20mph speed limits

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Posted in Car, Heavy Vehicle, Highway Code, Motorbike, News, Passenger Vehicle