Right Driver

What is a LOLER inspection for tail lifts?

LOLER stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations. A LOLER inspection on a tail lift refers to the examination and assessment of a tail lift to ensure it complies with LOLER regulations in terms of safety and functionality. In the case of a tail lift, it is also work equipment, so falls under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER)

What is a LOLER Inspection on a Tail Lift?: A LOLER inspection on a tail lift involves a thorough examination of the lift to ensure it is safe to use. This inspection includes checking various components such as hydraulic systems, safety mechanisms, structural integrity, and any other parts crucial to the safe operation of the tail lift.

Inspections under the regulations start at pre-start checks conducted by the operator; the method for doing these is covered in tail lift training. These don’t usually require records to be kept for tail lifts. Weekly or monthly checks may be in more depth. However, it’s the scheduled inspection yearly which is much more detailed.

The frequency of LOLER inspections depends on various factors, including the type of tail lift, its usage, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. However, LOLER regulations require that lifting equipment undergo regular inspections to ensure safety. In general, tail lifts used in commercial settings are often subject to annual LOLER inspections. However, more frequent inspections may be necessary for tail lifts used intensively or in demanding environments.

Who Conducts a LOLER Inspection?: LOLER inspections are typically carried out by qualified inspectors or engineers who have the necessary knowledge and expertise to assess lifting equipment. These inspectors may work for specialised inspection companies or may be employed directly by the owner or operator of the tail lift.

It’s essential for businesses and operators to adhere to LOLER regulations and ensure that tail lifts undergo regular inspections to maintain safety standards and prevent accidents or malfunctions during operation.

Darren has owned several companies in the automotive, advertising and education industries. He has run driving theory educational websites since 2010.

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