Information signs are always rectangular and are most commonly black and white or blue and white with red components unless they are tourist information signs which are brown and white. There are several different types of signs you’ll see on…
You’ll never look at a road works sign the same again. Check out our comprehensive article on the rules around road works.
Sign clutter is when there are more traffic signs, road markings and traffic signals than are necessary to convey enough information to allow a road user to drive safely. Over time, signs can be added without consideration to existing signs,…
What else does it look like that someone has spilled on the road? This sign is to warn that road workers are about. It’s from Australia, so our ones are slightly different: our heads are joined to our necks and we…
There are nine different types of speed limit signs you’ll see on the UK’s roads, excluding historic and special signs. Some of them are prescriptive (i.e. must be obeyed), while some are suggested speeds. This gantry sits over a dual…
This New Zealand sign to indicate a hump in the road is the same as this one in the UK: If you are approaching one of these signs you will need to check your speed and slow down if necessary.…