Right Driver

Tunnel safety when driving

Tunnels tend to be as safe, if not safer once a driver is in an past the ‘transition zone’ – an approximately 400m distance where the driver’s eyes are adjusting to the new light levels and visual stimuli. However, the

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Do you need to carry a fire extinguisher in your car?

Car fire extinguishers usually come with a mounting bracket so that they don’t roll around in the car. This helps prevent them becoming damaged or being discharged accidentally. They should be carried in the boot because: It forces you to

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What should you do if your lorry breaks down?

Every lorry driver will eventually experience a breakdown, flat tyre or crash that causes them to have to stop and wait for assistance. For this reason, lorry drivers must have a safety plan to ensure that they and other road users

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What is the real cost of a road accident?

It’s easy to see the physical result of bent metal in a road accident – we are aware of the insurance costs to repair the vehicles – but there is a broader social cost which is often hidden. This is

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Crash for cash and vehicle insurance scams

What is crash for cash? Crash for cash (sometimes called cash for crash) is where one or more criminals deliberately cause a crash in order to defraud the insurance company. The most common scenario is a car in front of

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How fatigue, sleepiness and tiredness increase your vehicle accident risk

We usually associate tired driving with driving at night but fatigued driving can happen any time of the day in response to how we have slept before that moment. Sleep interruption can have anything from almost no effect to a

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How do vehicle recalls work?

In some years several million vehicles are affected by recalls to change or update parts to fix safey problems. Vehicles are complex machines and it’s very difficult to eliminate 100% of the weaknesses. Some of these are minor, but occasionally a

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