Right Driver

How to use crash test results when looking to buy a car

At some time in your life you are statistically likely to have a crash. Hopefully it’s a minor one. But if it’s not, you’ll be glad you chose a safe car by taking into consideration crash test results. But how

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Posted in Advice, Car

Can you use cruise control in the rain?

Every year an email does the rounds about a woman who had cruise control on when driving while it was raining, she began to hydroplane (aquaplane) and her car ‘literally flew’ through the air. Basically she crashed, and you can

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Posted in Advice, Car

What’s the real cost of getting a motorbike licence?

A motorbike is going to be cheaper in the long run than driving a car, but it still can cost quite a bit to get your full A licence. Plus, the process is extremely confusing, so hopefully this demystifies it.

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

What’s the Real Cost of Getting a Car Driver’s Licence?

Being able to drive a car will give you freedoms you don’t have with public transport. It can improve your job prospects, make it easier to for you to follow your hobbies, and to see places that are just difficult

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Posted in Advice, Car

What drugs can you use before driving?

Back in April we reported that the government was looking at introducing defined limits for driving while under the influence of illegal drugs. But what drugs can you take and still drive safely? What effect do different illicit drugs have

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle

12 more vehicle functions you might not know

Safety Window lock The window lock prevents passengers from operating the electric windows. This can be useful if you have children in the back, or a dog that steps on the switch (dogs shouldn’t really be carried unrestrained). The switch

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Posted in Advice, Car

12 important features in your car (some you probably don’t know)

Get the most out of your car by understanding these features. If you’re learning to drive in a modern car, or even if you’ve just bought a new car and haven’t read the instruction manual, look to see if you

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Posted in Advice, Car