Right Driver

How do vehicle recalls work?

In some years several million vehicles are affected by recalls to change or update parts to fix safey problems. Vehicles are complex machines and it’s very difficult to eliminate 100% of the weaknesses. Some of these are minor, but occasionally a

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When is the best time to sell your car?

Whether you’re selling your car because you need the cash, you think it’s time for a change, or your circumstances are different now, it helps to consider how to get the best price for your car. There are some choices

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Changes to the driver licence test and practical driving

Learners on motorways Learner drivers will be allowed on motorways – this is common sense as driving on a motorway requires a different set of skills for merging at speed from a slip road, anticipating traffic on both sides of

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Fines for using a mobile phone while driving

talking on mobile phone when driving

The fine for using a mobile phone while driving is six points and a fine of £200 (up from 3 points and £100). Learner drivers: The law is especially tough on new drivers. Drivers must not amass more than six points in

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Traffic light rules in the UK

The UK’s traffic light colours conform to the international norm of red, yellow (amber) and green, but their phasing is different from some other countries. What is the traffic light phase or cycle? Lights go from red to red and

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Driving in an earthquake

Large earthquakes aren’t common in the UK (in fact, the largest we’ve ever had was only 6.1 on the Richter scale and was offshore), but they are common in other countries that you might take a driving holiday in, such

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10 Motorbikes That Will Hold Their Resale Value

When you purchase a new motorcycle, it is always in the back of your mind how much value it will retain when it’s time to buy your next bike. The good news is that whether you are into Harley Davidsons,

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