Right Driver

EU targets 50% reduction in road deaths by 2020

12,345 people were killed in road safety accidents in 2012 in the European Union, many for easily avoidable reasons such as not wearing a seatbelt. Transport exports and authorities last month called on the EU to accelerate progress in road safety. Vehicles are

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Posted in Car, News

Why skids are becoming less common

A skid is a loss of control of your vehicle. The forces acting on the wheels and tyres overcome the grip available from the road and they will either lock or travel laterally (sideways). Different road surfaces have difference coefficients

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Highway Code, Motorbike

NZ mandates electronic stability control on all cars – will this affect what you can buy?

Electronic stability control (ESC) is an electronic safety system that detect if your car is skidding. By selectively applying the brakes in varying forces individually on each wheel it helps the driver regain control. It’s so good that it’s estimated

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Posted in Car, News