Right Driver

Vehicle platooning: will it solve our traffic woes?

The UK Department for Transport has commissioned research to understand how vehicle platooning might benefit UK businesses, road safety, the environment and the transport network. So, what is vehicle platooning? A vehicle platoon is a number of vehicles travelling in

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Passenger Vehicle

Driverless cars coming to Milton Keynes in 2015

Google’s driverless Toyota Prius has clocked up half a million miles in the USA and finally we’re getting a trial in England. The autonomous 2-seater vehicles will travel around the city in a five-year trial, functioning a automated taxis. You’ll

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Posted in Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, News, Passenger Vehicle

Do we need to know how to park?

We all learn to park as part of our driving practice before we take our practical driving test. In fact, the average driver spends 106 days of their life looking for a parking spot according to this article. The average

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Posted in Advice, Car

Self-driving cars are coming: will you even need a licence?

Self-driving, driverless or autonomous cars are going to change your life in ways you can’t even imagine. We’re entering an era where many people will choose to predominantly be a passenger in their own cars rather than have the pleasure

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Posted in Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, News, Passenger Vehicle