Right Driver

HGV blind spot technology to be tested

Lorries have blind spots that leave cyclists and motorcyclists vulnerable. While blind spot technology is now becoming common on cars, HGVs are lagging behind. On many cars, there are sensors in the side of the bumpers to detect other motorists

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Posted in Heavy Vehicle, News

Free stickers to deter tailgaters

The Highways Agency has commissioned Transport Research Limited to investigate the effectiveness of decals (stickers) on influencing tailgating, and it needs the help of organisations who are willing to stick stickers onto their vehicles. The stickers, which are 19x47cm, are

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Government introducing defined limits for driving while under the influence of drugs

We have been well-schooled on the alcohol limits and how alcohol affects our driving, but less so on driving under the influence of drugs. In March 2013 the Department for Transport published new research that demonstrates the effect drugs have

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, News, Passenger Vehicle

IAM wants government to introduce driver health checks

As we age, our faculties diminish, yet we can still be in charge of 1500kg of machinery travelling at 70mph. The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has called on the government to implement some form of driving health check to

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Posted in Car, News

Public support for 20mph limits. Is Brake’s research flawed?

Brake and Allianz recently conducted a poorly worded survey that erroneously indicates there is strong public support for 20mph limits. Brake already is pushing for a 20mph speed limit as the default on urban roads via its GO 20 campaign.

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, News, Passenger Vehicle

Theory test fees being reviewed – have your say

DVSA is consulting the public over the cost of theory tests. Recently we ran a survey of 1056 driving instructors and 30.4% of them thought the current costs for getting a licence were too much. The proposal by DVSA is

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Posted in Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, News, Passenger Vehicle

Driving tests no longer available in foreign languages

Both the theory and practical driving tests are only available in English or Welsh. This was a change that was called for by 70% of respondents to public consultation by the then DSA (now DVSA). Previously candidates could take their

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