Right Driver

Driving careers – jobs that need drivers

Types of jobs where driving is necessary Let’s start with a list of jobs to give you an idea where your career can head towards, then we’ll look at what kind of driving licence you need. Driving can be solitary

Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle

Driving in difficult weather conditions

There are several situations where weather will make it difficult for you to drive. Winds High winds pose the biggest danger to motorcyclists, cyclists, drivers of high-sided empty heavy vehicles and drivers of vehicles towing caravans or high-sided trailers. It’s

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Posted in Advice, Car, Highway Code

Smoking and driving – is it dangerous?

Recently it’s been in the news about the proposed ban on smoking with children in the car that will come into effect in October 2015. If you smoke in a car that’s carrying a passenger between 0-17, even if you

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle

Speed limits in the UK

The road speed limits in the United Kingdom define the maximum legal speed for a specific class of vehicle on a specific stretch of road. The default speed limit is 30mph (48kph). This means that if you don’t see a sign

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Highway Code, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle

Does music distract you from driving, or can it help you concentrate?

It seems that people want music with them wherever they go. Joggers with their earbuds, ambient music in shopping centres and, our last bastion of freedom, in the car. In fact, many people consume the majority of their music in

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

Avoiding deer on the road

There are six main species of deer in the UK and the 1.5 million of them living in the wild cause up to 74,000 traffic accidents every year in the UK. Several human fatalities result from these accidents, as well

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

Drug driving limits

Even though there are eight drugs listed under illicit drugs, traces of these drugs can be present if a person has been taking certain types of legally prescribed drugs. The limits are low enough to allow for these trace levels,

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle