Right Driver

Are you allowed to drive wearing headphones?

There’s nothing in the law that says you are not allowed to wear headphones while driving in the UK, but if you drive on the continent there are countries, like France, which do not permit you to drive with headphones.

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Which drivers are most at risk of having an accident?

talking on mobile phone when driving

Young drivers Drivers under 25 make up the largest proportion of people involved in accidents. As driving is complex and relies on experience as a teacher, young drivers’ lack of experience increases the risk. Young drivers can react more quickly

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Smoking in cars is now banned with passengers under 18 in Scotland

Under 18s don’t have a choice in how their parents and caregivers choose to live their lives, and this can put their health at risk. The government has made a rule change to prevent a driver or passenger smoking in

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Streaming yourself while driving, or ‘scoping’

talking on mobile phone when driving

Technology is the great enabler of narcissism – everything you need to be able to promote yourself is available as an app and the latest apps allow you to stream your life to any number of followers. Facebook Livestream and

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Does music distract you from driving, or can it help you concentrate?

It seems that people want music with them wherever they go. Joggers with their earbuds, ambient music in shopping centres and, our last bastion of freedom, in the car. In fact, many people consume the majority of their music in

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike

IAM embarrasses itself again with shonky research

The Institute of Advanced Motorists should stick to doing what it does most excellently: teaching people how to drive awesomely. It should stop doing poorly conducted and contradictory research. The latest embarrassment for the IAM is new research outlining what

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Posted in Car, Heavy Vehicle, News

The 6 biggest distractions when driving

Food Many of you will have read about the 1994 case when Stella Liebeck sued McDonalds because she spilled coffee in her lap causing third degree burns in her pelvis region. She had to have skin grafts, eight days in

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle