Right Driver

Speed limits in the UK

The road speed limits in the United Kingdom define the maximum legal speed for a specific class of vehicle on a specific stretch of road. The default speed limit is 30mph (48kph). This means that if you don’t see a sign

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Highway Code, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle

Can you use cruise control in the rain?

Every year an email does the rounds about a woman who had cruise control on when driving while it was raining, she began to hydroplane (aquaplane) and her car ‘literally flew’ through the air. Basically she crashed, and you can

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Posted in Advice, Car

Tips to help you stay under the speed limit

Speed limit enforcement is a major focus by police and traffic agencies globally. There are a number of reasons for this: faster speeds mean you are less likely to survive an accident and (in general) more likely to have one,

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle