Right Driver

How distracting is talking on a cellphone while driving?

We all know that you are not allowed to drive while holding a cellphone in your hand but you are allowed to drive while talking using a hands-free kit, e.g. via a Bluetooth headset or connectivity with your car, or

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Posted in Car, Heavy Vehicle, News

Scottish government plans to reduce drink-drive limit before Christmas

Last week the Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill took steps which, if approved by the Scottish Parliament would mean that the drink-drive limit in Scotland would be cut from 80mg/100ml of blood to 50mg/100ml of blood on 5 December. Coincidentally this

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Posted in Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, News, Passenger Vehicle

Drink driving limits

280 people were killed in drink driving accidents in the UK in 2012. While this is down over 75% since 1979, alcohol has become more readily available and in more drinkable forms such as RTDs (ready-to-drink) and alcopops. How do

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Posted in Advice, Car, Heavy Vehicle, Motorbike, Passenger Vehicle