Right Driver

Ensuring the Safety of Fragile Cargo: Best Practices for Trucking

Transporting fragile cargo safely is an essential aspect of the trucking industry. The protection of goods during transit is not just about maintaining the integrity of the products but also about preserving the relationships between logistics companies and their clients.

Posted in Heavy Vehicle

How do you avoid sideloader accidents?

A sideloader refers to two different pieces of equipment: a forklift that loads to its side, and a lorry that has two cranes to lift containers on and off (e.g. a Megalift, Hammar or Swinglift). This article deals with the

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

Prevention of Bridge Strikes: A Guide for UK Truck Drivers

Bridge strikes are a significant hazard for professional drivers, leading to severe consequences for public safety and operational costs. This article provides essential guidance for UK truck drivers to prevent bridge strikes, understand their responsibilities, and know the actions to

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

What are the orange signs on the side of fuel tankers?

Hazchem emergency information panels are used on the side and rear of fuel tankers in the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and India. The orange panels contain codes that tell firefighters how to deal with the products on board and

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

How to safely get into and out of a heavy vehicle

Sprained ankles and damaged knees are common injuries that lorry drivers suffer through jumping out of their cab or off a trailer deck. A 17-stone driver jumping down a couple of feet creates around 31 stone of force when landing

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

Advantages of air suspension on lorries and trailers

Many new lorries and trailers come fitted with air suspension, or at least have an option to have it fitted at extra cost. Older lorries and trailers can sometimes be retrofitted, too. Air suspension has many advantages but a few

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

What aerodynamic aids are available for lorries

lorries with aerodynamic aids

Lorry fuel economy is extremely important to keep transport companies competitive, plus it’s good for the environment to reduce fuel usage. When you first learn how to drive a lorry, most of the instruction will be focused on safe and

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Posted in Heavy Vehicle, News