Right Driver

Tunnel safety when driving

Tunnels tend to be as safe, if not safer once a driver is in an past the ‘transition zone’ – an approximately 400m distance where the driver’s eyes are adjusting to the new light levels and visual stimuli. However, the

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How to set up a website as a driving instructor

Driving instructors, if you don’t have a website, you’re missing out on the majority of your audience. The only time you might be confident you can get away with not having a website is if you are the only instructor

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Do you need to carry a fire extinguisher in your car?

Car fire extinguishers usually come with a mounting bracket so that they don’t roll around in the car. This helps prevent them becoming damaged or being discharged accidentally. They should be carried in the boot because: It forces you to

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What should you do if your lorry breaks down?

Every lorry driver will eventually experience a breakdown, flat tyre or crash that causes them to have to stop and wait for assistance. For this reason, lorry drivers must have a safety plan to ensure that they and other road users

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Avoiding damaging your car when parking and manoeuvring

Most of us have had a minor scrape in a car park, whether it’s our own fault or someone else’s. Here are some solid strategies and techniques you can use to keep your paintwork pristine: Parallel parking Avoid parking closely

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How do you know when to change gear?

The two types of gearboxes are manual and automatic. With a manual gearbox, you will need to manually change gears frequently when driving, whereas with an automatic gearbox you can choose to change gears at certain times to optimise performance.

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Can you drive a car without a silencer or muffler?

If you remove your silencer or muffler your car will be louder than it was when it came out of the factory and that means you will be breaking the law unless you are driving it to a place of repair.

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