Right Driver

Which side of a motorbike tyre wears out first?

Do motorbike tyres wear evenly, or does one side wear more quickly than another? Because motorbikes lean when cornering, and the tyre has a radius as opposed to being a relatively flat bottom like a car tyre, a motorbike tyre

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike

Are wider tyres safer than narrower tyres?

Wider tyres can make your car look better, although it’s all subjective, but are wider tyres actually safe for your car, and do they have any disadvantages? Wider tyres are often used on sports cars. These tyres tend to have

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Wheel nut indicators – stopping wheel-off incidents

If a lorry’s wheel comes off while travelling on the motorway, it’s an 85kg weight that can smash its way into an oncoming car, killing the occupant, as happened on the M6 in Cheshire. The HGV driver was sent to

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What are retreads or regrooves?

While the tread (the grooves) in the tyre is gradually worn down, the casing of the tyre is usually good for a much longer period, therefore to avoid waste and reduce costs, retreading is the process of applying new tread

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How long do lorry tyres last?

Tyre longevity is an important consideration for freight and transport companies to maintain their margins. The lifespan of a lorry tyre depends on how it’s used and what conditions it is exposed to. What influences tyre wear on a lorry?

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What happens if a lorry tyre blows?

Lorry tyres are inflated to a much higher pressure than car tyres – between 80-110psi vs 27-40psi. When they are inflated, it’s done with the tyre in a cage which protects the person filling it if it blows. A tyre

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How temperature affects tyre pressures and vehicle handling

The air temperature affects a tyre’s pressure by 0.19 pounds per square inch (PSI) every degree Celsius change. When it’s warmer we tend to experience problems with tyres being under-inflated. Tyres are often filled after a short drive to the

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