Right Driver

What Evidence Do You Need to Collect After an Incident? A Driver’s Guide to Post-Incident Documentation

Evidence Gathering Procedures

If you’ve been involved in a crash or other incident, there are steps to take, including gathering information and evidence. Before beginning any evidence collection, ensure you’re in a place of relative safety. You should first prevent further incidents by

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What lawyers want you to know about car crashes and how to handle them

As much as no one wants to get involved in a car accident, millions of them happen every year, leading to damages to property and loss of life.  What happens when you suffer a car accident? Many people panic and

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How much does a vehicle accident really cost?

You’ve got insurance, right? So, you pay the excess, deal with losing your no-claims bonus and move on. But that’s not all that an accident or crash can cost you. Let’s look at the two scenarios where you are at

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What factors contribute to a crash?

Crashes are coded by police using a set of parameters that cover almost every eventuality. There are also contributing factors which are recorded in order of importance. Road environment contributed Slippery road due to weather – roads can be especially

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How to escape from a car that’s sinking

Several thousand people die every year around the world in cars that are submerged. It’s more common that you would imagine and cars sinking in water happens for a number of reasons: The bridge is out, and the driver doesn’t

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Leading causes of distraction-based crashes for teens

The more experience you have at driving, the less likely you become to have an accident, and therefore teens are most at risk of accidents simply due to not having had as much time behind the wheel. The above study

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Lowside and highside motorbike crashes explained (+videos)

Two common types of crashes on a motorbike are the lowside and highside crash. Both of them start with one of the wheels beginning to slide from underneath the rider, but they end in spectacularly different outcomes. Riders would prefer to

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Posted in Advice, Motorbike