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Institute of Advanced Motorists calls for improvements in motorcycle clothing labelling

Helmets are easy to judge with the SHARP rating, but clothing has no such rating and a survey of 700 motorcyclists has indicated that they find it difficult and time-consuming to evaluate which clothing will provide the most protection in the event of an accident.

85% of motorcyclists consider protection the number one factor when purchasing motorcycle clothing; 67% of respondents saw comfort and fit as an important factor. However, 43% of respondents felt that the right information about the protectiveness of a piece of clothing was only available if you look hard enough.

As only 30% of respondents cited price as a priority, 70% of respondents would likely pay more for clothing that is clearly superior in protectiveness. 90% of motorcyclists said that they always wear motorcycle protective clothing when riding, and 48% believed protective clothing should be compulsory.

The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) believes that a safety rating on labels in clothing, similar to the SHARP rating for helmets, should be introduced. This will supply unbiased information and advice that will help riders make the right choice for them. IAM chief executive Simon Best said, “The current situation is confusing and relies too much on promotional information to be of any real use in making a judgement.”

More information about the SHARP helmet safety scheme can be found here.

When you are looking at motorcycle clothing, how do you evaluate what’s best for you? Let us know in the comments.

If you want to know how to evaluate what’s the best helmet for you, check out our helmet guide here.

Darren has owned several companies in the automotive, advertising and education industries. He has run driving theory educational websites since 2010.

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