All new cars will have some mileage on the odometer because they have to be driven. It starts by a short drive from the factory into a holding yard for a short test. Then they are driven from their position in…
All new cars will have some mileage on the odometer because they have to be driven. It starts by a short drive from the factory into a holding yard for a short test. Then they are driven from their position in…
There are two questions here: Should you drive if you are ill or disabled? Are you allowed to drive if you are ill or disabled? It depends on the illness as to which question you need to ask. If you…
Brand new This car usually has just a few miles on the clock – perhaps up to 10. It will have only been driven as described above in order to move it on and off transportation options. If the customer…
It’s important to keep traffic flowing on main roads and to interrupt that traffic only when there are vehicles waiting to enter from a side road. This is one of the main uses for induction loops embedded in the road:…