Right Driver

Lorry braking distances

Despite having many more tyres in contact with the road, the additional weight of an HGV means that stopping distances (including reaction time) can be 50% further than a car in similar conditions. On a dry road, a car will

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What’s a car transporter or car carrier trailer?

A car transporter is usually an articulated lorry where an extended tractor unit at the front pulls a trailer which is specifically designed to carry as many vehicles as possible. There are smaller car transporters which are effectively a rigid

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What features do articulated lorries have that cars don’t?

Your car isn’t designed to travel a million miles, but a large lorry is. In fact, some would say they’re only just worn in. This is just one of the differences between cars and lorries and one of the reasons

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Moving house? Here’s how you can transport your furniture and belongings safely

It’s possible to move house yourself without having to hire a removals company. What you will need is one of more of: Trailer (preferably enclosed) Towing vehicle Van Furniture truck It’s best if your vehicle has a roof as British

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Could new car technology make you fail your driving test?

New technologies in cars reduce the risk of accidents, but can make us complacent when driving. Relying on the technology rather than using good driving habits can jeopardise your driving test. Let’s take a look at technology you need to

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Can you drive while blind in one eye (monocular vision)?

The challenges of driving with one eye are: Depth perception Field of vision (i.e. the nose blocks peripheral vision on the opposite side of the good eye) However, it is possible to drive with only one functioning eye as long

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What are the orange signs on the side of fuel tankers?

Hazchem emergency information panels are used on the side and rear of fuel tankers in the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia and India. The orange panels contain codes that tell firefighters how to deal with the products on board and

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle