Right Driver

Helping your lorry drivers pass the driving test

The demands on the trucking industry have grown in recent years as more people engage in e-commerce. Your organization may encourage employees to get their LGV licenses so they can drive the vehicles in your fleet. There are several ways to help them pass.

Encouraging drivers to use resources

The first step is driver CPC theory. It’s a refresher of the Highway Code you will have learned when you did your car licence, plus some important information about lorries. The second step is Driver CPC part 2, which is case studies (there are 7 that you work through on a computer). The third step is Driver CPC part 3, which tests your vehicle safety knowledge, evaluates your practical driving and covers some off-road exercises (parking, reversing, coupling and uncoupling). Finally, there’s Driver CPC part 4 which consists of load security, assessing emergency situations, reducing physical risks, a pre-start check and stopping trafficking in illegal immigrants.

Encourage hands-on practice

Reading the information and even going over videos can go a long way in preparing a driver, but that’s not all they should do ahead of time. They also need to be practicing a lot. This will include going over the pre-trip inspection to ensure everything is running smoothly. It will include being able to name the different parts of the truck and why each needs to be inspected. Practicing this orally can be helpful and lead to more confident on the day of the test. Actual driving practice should be done as well. Performing a commentary drive can help drivers and their trainers align for optimal success. Candidates will need to go around the area, and that could include moving around busy intersections, making turns, and changing lanes. And it’s critical to practice backing up a few times. There are several types of backing candidates might need to do, so ensure they practice all equally.

Being successful

One of the best ways to ensure your employees are set up for success is to ensure they are caring for their minds and bodies. That might include taking a bit of time away from work and study to recharge. That way, candidates can go into the test refreshed and ready to focus. Even if the test is not first thing in the morning, it’s a good idea for your employees to get a good night’s rest prior to the test. It allows them to be attentive during the exam.

After the Test

Even after an employee has passed the LGV test, there are still several things you can do to encourage them in their journey. Good fleet management practices can ensure your driver is as efficient as possible. By tracking your fleet, it allows you to see where vehicles are at all times. If you are thinking about doing this, you can review a guide with everything you need to know about the process.

Darren has owned several companies in the automotive, advertising and education industries. He has run driving theory educational websites since 2010.

Posted in Advice