Right Driver

Bus lane rules

What is a bus lane? A bus lane is a lane reserved for the use by buses with a minimum number of seats and is marked by a thick white line. Different towns and cities have different rules about bus

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How fatigue, sleepiness and tiredness increase your vehicle accident risk

We usually associate tired driving with driving at night but fatigued driving can happen any time of the day in response to how we have slept before that moment. Sleep interruption can have anything from almost no effect to a

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Distracted pedestrians causing dangers on roads

It’s common to see people walking along looking at their phones. Search on YouTube and you’ll find many funny videos of people walking into things like lamp posts or falling over or off things. It’s been proven in numerous studies

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Why would your car insurance claim be denied?

It’s in the fine print, but most of us never read it. An insurance policy is a dry document full of exclusions which could mean you don’t get paid if your car gets stolen or you have a crash. Even

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How do you stop a trailer swaying (swinging from side-to-side)?

If you tow a trailer using a tow bar there’s a risk that the trailer can swing from side-to-side if it’s not loaded correctly. What starts as a moderate trailer sway can quickly turn into a situation where it jack-knifes

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What is a UK digital driving licence?

A digital driving licence can be stored on your smartphone or another secure portable device (e.g. a tablet). They are designed to be a convenient way of proving your identity as we all carry around a smartphone, so it’s one

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Should all drivers be able to read English?

England is a multicultural country and all that diversity is good for our economy. We have a thriving tourist industry, too, with over 37 million visitors in 2016. There’s a hidden problem, though: literacy in written English Up to one

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