Right Driver

What factors contribute to a crash?

Crashes are coded by police using a set of parameters that cover almost every eventuality. There are also contributing factors which are recorded in order of importance. Road environment contributed Slippery road due to weather – roads can be especially

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How are containers attached to lorries?

Lorries can carry shipping containers on trailers by attaching them using ISO container twistlocks. These are standard-sized fixings used throughout the world. The container locks mean that the containers don’t need to be chained or strapped to the trailer and

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What kind of show-me, tell-me questions will you be asked?

The examiner will ask you one show-me and one tell-me question during your driving test. Ask your instructor how to do all the checks. List of tell-me questions for the driving exam The tell-me question is done before the test:

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What does a vehicle recovery driver do?

Vehicle recovery drivers do all kinds of work assisting immobile vehicles on the roads. They might be immobile because they’ve broken down or had a crash. Drivers can work on general accident recovery across a range of vehicles or they

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What is drink walking?

Drink walking is like drink driving, but when walking drunk. Drink walkers are more likely to be involved in an accident with a vehicle – around half of all pedestrian deaths involve people who are under the influence of alcohol,

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Advantages of air suspension on lorries and trailers

Many new lorries and trailers come fitted with air suspension, or at least have an option to have it fitted at extra cost. Older lorries and trailers can sometimes be retrofitted, too. Air suspension has many advantages but a few

Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

8 simple tricks for improving your driving

talking on mobile phone when driving

Now you can tell all the other bad drivers on the road what they should be doing. Looking much further ahead Looking further ahead is one of the main tricks to reducing fuel consumption as it evens out your speed.

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