Traffic approaching a junction must give way to people already crossing or waiting to cross. This applies regardless of whether there is a marked crossing. Of course, pedestrians should not simply step out in front of moving vehicles – there has to be an acknowledgement between the driver and pedestrian. A pedestrian must look out for traffic turning into the road and cross at a place which gives drivers enough warning and enough time to see and come to a stop, if required.
The rule is also applicable when people are waiting at a zebra crossing, on a zebra crossing, or pedestrians and cyclists on a parallel crossing (i.e. a zebra crossing with a cycle route that runs parallel with it).
Pedestrians must not cross the road where there are barriers, only where there are gaps in the barrier specifically for crossing, and they should not walk between the barriers and the road.

Drivers must also remain behind cyclists, horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles, and motorcyclists at junctions, even if they are waiting to turn and are positioned close to the kerb.
Drivers should avoid signalling to pedestrians to cross in case another vehicle is approaching that can’t see the signal.
These are covered in rule H2, 8, 19, 170, 195 and 206 of the Highway Code