Right Driver

Can mindfulness and meditation help you drive?

You’re stuck in a massive queue on the M25, you’ve run out of Polo mints, and that lorry behind you is getting a bit too cosy with your bumper. You can probably relate, but what if we told you there’s a way to make your time on our roads not just bearable, but actually enjoyable? Enter the world of mindfulness and meditation – your new strategies for the daily commute or long-haul journey.

What’s All This Mindfulness Thing, Then?

Before we dive in, let’s get our heads around what we’re on about:

  • Mindfulness is simply being present in the moment. It’s noticing the feel of the steering wheel, the hum of your engine, maybe even appreciating that unexpected ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds.
  • Meditation is a bit like a gym workout for your brain. It’s about training your mind to focus and find a bit of inner peace.

Now, you might be thinking, “That’s all well and good, but how’s that going to help me navigate the Magic Roundabout?” Fair question!

Mindfulness Behind the Wheel: More Than Just a New-Age Fad

  1. Mindfulness keeps you alert. You’ll spot that cyclist or that sneaky speed camera with eagle-eye precision.
  2. No more absent-minded fumbling for your phone when that ‘ping’ goes off. You’re in the zone, focused on the road ahead.
  3. Someone cut you off? Instead of unleashing a verbal tirade, you’ll find yourself taking a deep breath and letting it go.
  4. When you need to make a split-second decision, you’ll have the clarity of mind to choose wisely.

Give These a Go on Your Next Drive

  1. Breathe In, Breathe Out: Before you turn the key, take a few deep breaths. It’s like rebooting your brain for the journey ahead.
  2. Body Check: Stuck at those endless roadworks? Perfect time for a quick body scan. Notice any tension and let it melt away. Your back will thank you later.
  3. Sensory Overload: Engage your senses. Notice the red of that double-decker bus, feel the rumble of the road, smell that fresh air.
  4. People Watching on Wheels: Instead of cursing that slow driver in front, try a bit of curiosity. Maybe they’re having a rough day or they’re lost. A bit of empathy goes a long way.
  5. Gratitude on the Go: Appreciate the little things. Maybe it’s the fact that your car started this morning or that you found a decent parking spot. There’s always something if you look for it.

Meditation and Driving

We are not suggesting you start chanting “Om” while zooming down the A1. Active meditation while driving is not a good idea. However, making meditation a part of your daily routine can work wonders:

  • You’ll be more focused when you do hit the road
  • You’ll be calm and collected in stressful situations
  • Patience becomes your superpower.

Try starting or ending your day with a quick meditation session. There are loads of great apps out there to get you started.

Meet Barry: From Road Rage to Road Sage

Let me tell you about Barry, a lorry driver from Leeds. Barry used to white-knuckle his way through every journey, cursing at tailgaters and muttering about the state of British roads. One day, his daughter convinced him to try a mindfulness app.

At first, Barry thought it was a load of rubbish. But after a week, he noticed something. He wasn’t arriving at his destinations feeling jiggered [it’s Leeds slang for tired, apparently]. He was calmer, more alert, and – dare he say it – actually enjoying [most of] his time on the road.

“It’s like I’ve got new eyes,” Barry told me. “I’m noticing things I never saw before.”

Barry’s favourite technique? The ‘traffic light meditation’. At every red light, he takes three deep breaths. “It’s amazing how much difference those few seconds make,” he says.

Not Just for the Professionals

While Barry’s story shows how brilliant mindfulness can be for those who drive for a living, it’s a game-changer for all of us regulars too. Whether you’re nipping to Tesco or embarking on the great British road trip, a bit of mindfulness can transform your journey.

Imagine if we all adopted these practices. Our roads could be filled with drivers who are more aware, less stressed, and dare I say, even polite! It might sound like a pipe dream, but it starts with each of us, one mindful journey at a time.

Wrapping It Up

Mindfulness and meditation aren’t just for yoga studios or mountain retreats. They’re practical tools that can make your time on our roads safer, calmer, and more enjoyable. Whether you’re navigating the busy streets of London, cruising through the Scottish Highlands, or anywhere in between, a mindful approach to driving can make all the difference.

It’s not about being perfect. It’s about being present. So next time you’re behind the wheel, take a deep breath, notice the world around you, and enjoy the ride. Who knows? You might just find that your daily commute becomes the best part of your day.

Darren has owned several companies in the automotive, advertising and education industries. He has run driving theory educational websites since 2010.

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