Right Driver

Motorways: Leaving the motorway

Rule 272

Unless signs indicate that a lane leads directly off the motorway, you will normally leave the motorway by a slip road on your left. You should:

  • watch for the signs letting you know you are getting near your exit
  • move into the left-hand lane well before reaching your exit
  • signal left in good time and reduce your speed on the slip road as necessary.

Rule 273

On leaving the motorway or using a link road between motorways, your speed may be higher than you realise – 50 mph may feel like 30 mph. Check your speedometer and adjust your speed accordingly. Some slip-roads and link roads have sharp bends, so you will need to slow down.

Darren has owned several companies in the automotive, advertising and education industries. He has run driving theory educational websites since 2010.

Posted in Highway Code

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