When multiple emergency services need to work together at an incident, careful coordination is essential for an effective response. Whether it’s a major road traffic collision, a natural disaster, or a large-scale public event, the seamless integration of police, fire, ambulances, and other emergency services is crucial for public safety.
The Key Players
The main emergency services involved in multi-agency responses typically include:
- Police forces
- Fire and rescue services
- Ambulance services and NHS responders
- BASICS (British Association for Immediate Care) doctors and practitioners
- Local authorities and highways agencies
- Specialist units like hazardous materials teams.
Communication Protocols
Clear communication is the foundation of an effective multi-agency response. Each service has specific roles but must work collaboratively. Radio communication should be clear, concise, and follow agreed protocols. A shared command structure helps ensure all services understand their responsibilities and can coordinate their actions effectively.

Vehicle Positioning and Scene Management
When multiple agencies arrive at an incident, correct positioning of emergency vehicles is crucial. Vehicles should be positioned to:
- Protect the scene and those working within it
- Allow access and egress for other emergency vehicles
- Maintain traffic flow where possible and appropriate
- Enable effective working space for all services
Speed and Response Considerations
According to BASICS guidance, speed and urgency must be balanced with safety when multiple agencies are responding. The legislation permits emergency vehicles to exceed speed limits when necessary, but this must be justified by the circumstances. Coordination between responding units helps prevent unnecessary risks from multiple vehicles responding at high speed.
Training and Joint Exercises
Regular joint training exercises help different agencies work together more effectively in real emergencies. These exercises allow responders to:
- Practice communication protocols
- Understand each other’s capabilities and limitations
- Test joint procedures and identify improvements
- Build working relationships between services
- Manage and handle hazardous materials
Learning from Experience
After significant multi-agency incidents, debriefing sessions help identify what worked well and what could be improved. This continuous learning process helps refine procedures and protocols for future incidents.
Best Practice Guidelines
Key principles for effective multi-agency coordination include:
- Early notification between services of developing situations
- Clear command structures and roles
- Regular updates between services
- Shared situational awareness
- Flexible response based on circumstances
- Post-incident review and learning
By following these guidelines and maintaining strong working relationships between services, multi-agency responses can be delivered effectively to protect public safety and manage incidents efficiently.
Remember: While each service has its specialist role, working together as one team with a common purpose delivers the best outcomes for the public we serve.