Right Driver

The ultimate guide to lorry fuel economy

Trucking is a cutthroat business with thin margins, so anything you can do to save fuel makes a big difference to the profitability of the company. Don’t come to a stop unless absolutely necessary:  acceleration, anticipation and braking sense Getting

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Posted in Advice, Heavy Vehicle

Which drivers are most at risk of having an accident?

talking on mobile phone when driving

Young drivers Drivers under 25 make up the largest proportion of people involved in accidents. As driving is complex and relies on experience as a teacher, young drivers’ lack of experience increases the risk. Young drivers can react more quickly

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Learner drivers on motorways

If a learner driver is accompanied by an Approved Driving Instructor and is driving a car fitted with dual controls, they are allowed to drive on the motorway for lessons if the instructor agrees that the driver is competent enough.

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Posted in Advice, Car

Types of vehicle purchase: New, used, trade-in, ex-demo and more

Brand new This car usually has just a few miles on the clock – perhaps up to 10. It will have only been driven as described above in order to move it on and off transportation options. If the customer

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How are traffic lights controlled using induction loops?

It’s important to keep traffic flowing on main roads and to interrupt that traffic only when there are vehicles waiting to enter from a side road. This is one of the main uses for induction loops embedded in the road:

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How to calculate your vehicle’s CO2 emissions

The amount of CO2 produced per litre or gallon of fuel is fairly consistent, so you just need to know the amount of fuel you used, the type of fuel and the number of miles or kilometres you’ve covered to

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Smoking in cars is now banned with passengers under 18 in Scotland

Under 18s don’t have a choice in how their parents and caregivers choose to live their lives, and this can put their health at risk. The government has made a rule change to prevent a driver or passenger smoking in

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