Right Driver

Can you drive if you are deaf?

Driving while deaf is allowed but it is advisable to be aware of the limitations and additional challenges that driving without being able to hear the environment around you can bring. Drivers who have partial deafness may find it easier

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Can you drive after experiencing a blackout

A blackout is a temporary loss of consciousness that a person has little or no control over. It affects your memory, leading you to suffer a sense of lost time. During a blackout a person might actually appear to function

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What’s traction control and how does it work?

To understand traction control, you have to know what traction is. Traction is the ability for a tyre to transmit force to the road without slipping. It’s a function of the friction between the tyre and the road surface. The

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What happens if a lorry tyre blows?

Lorry tyres are inflated to a much higher pressure than car tyres – between 80-110psi vs 27-40psi. When they are inflated, it’s done with the tyre in a cage which protects the person filling it if it blows. A tyre

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Can you have different sized wheels on your car?

Hot rods have big wheels on the back and smaller wheels on the front, so why don’t we see this on regular road-going cars? The Chrysler Prowler, which was supposed to emulate a hot rod with its 17-inch wheels up

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How short can a tunnel be before it’s not a tunnel anymore?

When you drive underneath another road, you’re effectively driving through an enclosed space, but this isn’t technically a tunnel, it’s an underpass. Even if you could drive underneath a motorway with six lanes in either direction, it’s still not a

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Why is car insurance expensive?

Car insurance is compulsory for all drivers but a number of things are causing it to get increasingly more expensive – it’s a cost that sometimes prices certain drivers out of the market, either forcing them onto public transport or

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