Right Driver

What’s the safe system approach to road design?

Humans are squishy, error-prone and inconsistent and this makes for high risks when driving. We lack the ability to concentrate for long periods of time, our eyesight is much duller than that of a bird of prey and our perception

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Where is fast driving allowed?

If you want to drive your car or ride your motorbike fast, you can’t do it on the road. There are plenty of places you can get your speed fix, though. Racetrack track days Our local track, Cadwell Park, has

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Should you lower your car’s suspension?

Vehicle manufacturers tune a car’s suspension to give a ‘ride’ or level of comfort versus road holding ability that meets the expectations of the buying public. A Toyota Corolla will always feel softer on the road than a McLaren P1,

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The worst places to break down and what you should do

We already covered what to do if you break down on the way to the airport, but there are plenty of other inconvenient places your car can expire. Here’s what to do. On the way to a meeting It’s unlikely

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What to do if you break down on the way to the airport

Breaking down is never convenient, but there are some scenarios where it can be particularly bad, like when you’re about to risk missing a flight. You’ve spent a lot of time saving up for that awesome trip, but now you’re

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UK van speed limits (including car-derived vans)

Vans have a lower speed limit on some roads in the UK. But what about if it’s a van that is derived from a car or MPV? Pick-up trucks, campervans and dual-purpose vehicles also all need to be checked before

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What should you do if your car breaks down?

If your car breaks down you need to think about a safe position then getting help. Breaking down on a road Indicate your direction and try to get your vehicle as far off the road as possible by coasting to

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