Right Driver

How polite driving improves fuel economy and reduces traffic

It’s very British to be polite, but over the past few decades we’ve become less polite – we could blame American TV series where everything thinks it’s OK to be angry. But being polite behind the wheel – showing good

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What are lateral protection devices and side underrun protection?

Lorry bodies sit high off the ground and this means that vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists can more easily fall under the rear wheels of a trailer or lorry if they hit or are hit by

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How do you reduce idling in your car or lorry?

Unnecessary idling could land you a £20 fixed penalty notice; in some places in London it’s up to £80. If that’s not enough to convince you to turn off your engine, let’s look at all the reasons and how you

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Wheel nut indicators – stopping wheel-off incidents

If a lorry’s wheel comes off while travelling on the motorway, it’s an 85kg weight that can smash its way into an oncoming car, killing the occupant, as happened on the M6 in Cheshire. The HGV driver was sent to

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What is a graduated driver licencing system?

In the UK we study the Highway Code theory while we are learning the practical skills of driving. We take the theory test before we take the practical test, then we’re qualified to drive. In a graduated driver licencing system,

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What is an information traffic sign?

Information signs are always rectangular and are most commonly black and white or blue and white with red components unless they are tourist information signs which are brown and white. There are several different types of signs you’ll see on

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What’s the safe system approach to road design?

Humans are squishy, error-prone and inconsistent and this makes for high risks when driving. We lack the ability to concentrate for long periods of time, our eyesight is much duller than that of a bird of prey and our perception

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