Right Driver

Curtainside lorry safety in high winds

A curtainside or tautliner lorry can easily be blown over by a strong gust of wind when it is empty or carrying a very light load. A wind gust over 60mph can put 20-30 tons of pressure on the side

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Merging and lane discipline when driving

Part of what makes driving relatively safe is when other road users drive predictably. Part of being predictable is using a standard set of rules and signals when merging into traffic and when changing lanes. Good lane discipline is partly

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What are refrigerated lorries and trailers (reefers)?

If you need to transport products that require a consistent temperature, a refrigerated truck or trailer is the solution. They have a chiller unit and thermostat which monitors the interior temperature and adjusts it to remain in a window of

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Should you take a short cut through private property to save time?

It’s tempting to cut across a petrol station forecourt to avoid a traffic light, or to quickly nip down a private road between two other streets to avoid taking the longer way around where you might be held up at

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How do you know if you’re going too fast when driving?

Picking the right speed is an important part of driving. There are three concepts: Excessive speed: this is any speed above the speed limit Inappropriate speed: this is any speed below the speed limit, but above or below what is

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How polite driving improves fuel economy and reduces traffic

It’s very British to be polite, but over the past few decades we’ve become less polite – we could blame American TV series where everything thinks it’s OK to be angry. But being polite behind the wheel – showing good

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What are lateral protection devices and side underrun protection?

Lorry bodies sit high off the ground and this means that vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists can more easily fall under the rear wheels of a trailer or lorry if they hit or are hit by

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