Right Driver

30 most common reasons you will fail your driving test

Pass rates are hovering around the 40-50% mark, so what is it that is causing more than 50% of people to fail their driving test? Failing to look or judge speed is a factor in 35-40% of reported failures. Around

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Is it safer to reverse into a car parking space?

Some people dread reversing into a parking space, but as cars become more capable with sensors, cameras and even automated parking, getting it right the first time and avoiding damage becomes easier. Parallel parking To parallel park, for example, parking

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What causes slow acceleration in your car?

Here are 28 reasons that your car, van or truck could be accelerating more slowly than you expect. Carrying weight – the impact of several passengers plus luggage will definitely be felt, particularly if you have a small engine with

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How do breathalysers work?

When a person drinks alcohol, some of that alcohol is breathed out as the body metabolises it. This can be measured using a breathalyser and it gives a pretty accurate indication of how much alcohol is in a person’s blood.

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How to drive smoothly with an 18-speed truck gearbox

Eaton Fuller transmissions, also called Road Rangers, are manual gearboxes found in trucks. They are range from 9 to 18 gears. We’ve already covered how to change gear using an 18-speed gearbox. This article explains how to get the best

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What’s a road ranger gearbox and how do you change gears?

Some trucks (mostly large American and Asian ones) have a non-synchronised manual gearbox made by Eaton. This is commonly known as a Roadranger and they come in various configurations up to 18 forward gears and 4 reverse gears. How do

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Do vehicles that carry chemicals require a spill kit?

A spill kit is a kit of materials designed to absorb, neutralise and contain a small amount of spilled chemicals in order to stop them from causing environmental damage, for example, by entering waterways or soaking into the ground. There

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