Right Driver

What are the regulatory requirements for autonomous vehicles in the UK?

Testing and Development: Companies conducting tests on autonomous vehicles on public roads need to obtain appropriate permissions from the relevant authorities. The UK government, through the Department for Transport (DfT), had established guidelines for testing autonomous vehicles. Insurance and Liability:

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Cyclists vs drivers: what does each want the other to know?

A cyclist is always at a disadvantage in a vehicle vs bike crash. To reduce the chances of this happening, it’s helpful to bridge the gap between the expectations and knowledge of drivers vs cyclists. What do cyclists wish drivers

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How do you avoid problems when picking up a container with a sidelifter?

A sidelifter or sideloader is the fastest option for a lorry driver to deliver or load a container, but how should it be positioned? There are several makes of sidelifters available in the UK, including Hammar, Steelbro, Combilift, Swinglift and

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What should you consider when buying a tractor unit for your business?

You’re going to spend a long time staring at the road from your tractor unit, so it’s important that you choose wisely or all those miles will be filled with regret. Tractor units come in various configurations, so to get

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What kind of tail lift is right for your business? How to choose

Tail lifts are essential equipment for loading and unloading small vans and lorries where a forklift is not appropriate or available, but the weight of the products being moved is too much for manual handling, for example, during local deliveries

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When and how should you refuel your petrol or diesel car?

Some people love living close to the edge, waiting until the little orange light comes on, then driving another 30 miles before looking for a petrol station. If that kind of excitement is what drives you, go for it. However,

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The quickest way to defog or demist your car’s windscreen

You come out to your car on a cold morning and the inside is completely fogged. You can’t see where you’re going, and when you do wipe a clear patch (barely big enough to see out of), it begins to

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