Right Driver

What’s the difference between a street and a road?

In the UK, while the terms “street” and “road” are often used interchangeably, there are some general historical and practical distinctions: However, these distinctions have become quite blurred over time, and many modern developments use both terms without strictly following

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Understanding Taximeters: Technology and Application in theTaxi Industry

In the bustling world of taxi services, taximeters play a crucial role in providing a seamless experience for both drivers and passengers. These devices, often unseen but always present, ensure that taxi rides are fair, transparent, and technologically advanced. Today,

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Can mindfulness and meditation help you drive?

You’re stuck in a massive queue on the M25, you’ve run out of Polo mints, and that lorry behind you is getting a bit too cosy with your bumper. You can probably relate, but what if we told you there’s

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How does an automated manual transmission work?

As we saw in this article outlining the difference between AMTs and non-synchro gearboxes, an automated manual transmission uses electronics to change gears in a manual gearbox. The heart of an AMT is its Electronic Control Unit (ECU). The ECU

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How do the maintenance requirements differ on automated manual gearboxes vs non-synchro gearboxes?

Gearbox maintenance means your lorry will be off the road, so when picking whether you want an automated manual gearbox or a non-synchro gearbox, downtime is a factor. But there are other factors, too (some of which we’ve covered in

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Are automated manual transmissions better than non-synchro transmissions for HGVs?

Automated manual transmissions (AMTs) and non-synchronized (non-synchro) gearboxes are two transmission types used in HGVs. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and you’ll enter many an argument professing your preference (or even ‘love’) for a specific one. Automated-Manual Transmissions Pros:

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Tips for driving in Iceland during winter

Driving in Iceland during winter can be an awe-inspiring experience, but also a challenging one. Roads covered in snow and ice, combined with rapidly changing weather conditions, require extra precautions. While exploring the snowy landscapes of this beautiful country is

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